We hope you'll love your order, but if it isn't quite right - simply return it!
We accept returns within 14 days, starting with the day that you receive item(s).
If you're looking for a different size or colour, we ask you to place a new order, as we've moved away from offering exchanges.
We accept returns within 14 days, starting with the day that you receive item(s).
If you're looking for a different size or colour, we ask you to place a new order, as we've moved away from offering exchanges.
- If you've purchased from Denmark, Germany, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, order a prepaid return label here.
Note: Shipping expenses will be later deducted from your refund.
7 € Denmark
15 € Germany, Sweden
20 € Ireland, UK, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands
- If you have purchase from any other country not listed above please read more about exchanges & returns or simply contact our team at support@summerycopenhagen.com for assistance.
- Domestic returns now available for U.S customers, read more about it here.
We kindly inform you that shipping costs for returning items are at your own expense. We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.